Using the Checkpoint Thesaurus/Query Tool

When performing a search, you may wish to locate those documents that refer to your topic but do not contain the precise keywords you used when constructing your search. The Thesaurus/Query Tool lets you request that any documents containing your keywords or their synonyms should be retrieved by your search.

Each practice area has its own thesaurus. For example, if you conduct a keyword search of Federal sources, the Thesaurus/Query Tool displays only Federal terms that match your search criteria.

If you are searching sources from several practice areas, the Thesaurus/Query Tool generates an integrated list of related terms from the practice areas you selected.

The Thesaurus/Query Tool is available for both Intuitive Search and Terms & Connectors search. The features and functionality of the Thesaurus vary depending on whether you select Intuitive Search or Terms & Connectors as your search method.

NOTE: For users of earlier versions of Checkpoint, the current Thesaurus/Query Tool replaces and enhances the functionality formerly provided by the '$' wildcard character.

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